by IEF-admin | Sep 21, 2019 | Impact stories
“Yayasan Pendidikan Budaya Mentawai’s (YPBM) goals and objectives align with our educational vision and agenda to preserve and strengthen Mentawai culture. There is very large potential for this [locally-run] foundation to advance these objectives through...
by Hoang | Jul 11, 2019 | Impact stories
The Indigenous Education Foundation (IEF) embraces the celebration of the traditional owners of our land and encourages all Australians to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. All Australians should be proud...
by Hoang | Jun 29, 2019 | Impact stories
Indigenous people’s storytelling traditions are disappearing, but to sustain a just, equitable and inclusive future we must heed their wisdom. Aman Teu Agoi, Sikerei (shaman) and custodian of Mentawai’s cultural kowledge, shares folklore stories and cultural taboos...
by Hoang | Jun 2, 2019 | Impact stories
In our dramatically changing world, the recognition and respect of Indigenous identity, knowledge, and their unique relationships with the natural world are the foundations to safeguarding Earth’s diversity. Amid our current global crisis, partnering with Indigenous...
by Hoang | May 8, 2019 | Impact stories
Indigenous Education Foundation (IEF) is pleased to announce a new partnership with Yarn Bark to promote Indigenous-led cultural education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Yarn Bark create opportunities for all people living in Australia to...
by Hoang | Apr 10, 2019 | Impact stories
“World pledges to leave no one behind, and reach the furthest behind first” The world appraised by Indigenous peoples is conspicuously unalike the world viewed through the lenses of the participating states that adopted the global Sustainable Development Goals on 25...
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