Thank you to all IEF donors who support the work of our Mentawai partner Foundation, Yayasan Pendidikan Suku Mentawai. They continue to grow and inspire.

Last week, the YPSM team initiated a community Cultural Performance Festival to coincide with the celebration of Indonesia’s 73rd anniversary. As part of this event, YPSM invited students from each of their program’s cultural arts studios in southern Siberut to come together to perform cultural dance and celebrate Mentawai’s customary clothing, headwear, tattoos and plant-based jewellery.

In addition to this, YPSM organised a Mentawai archery competition for members of the community to showcase an art some Mentawai still readily use for hunting in their day-to-day lives. Congratulations to the YPSM team for successfully providing such an important event for their students and the broader community.

All photos curtesy of YPSM