Torrential rains, flooding, landslides and a subsequent closure of the Great Ocean Road did not deter Jonathan and the team from partaking in last weekend’s Walk For Words; an overnight hike purposed to raise funds for the development of the Mentawai Dictionary.

The idea for Walk For Words was inspired by our good friend Jonathan Ingram, who last month contacted IEF about utilising his adventure company, Good Times Tours, in support of positive change. Following on from this discussion, John promoted the event, rallied a crew and – at his own cost – serviced a rather hospitable and incredibly fun weekend.

Departing from Blanket Bay on Saturday morning, with the (unexpected) sunshine on our backs, the team hiked 23 km of the Great Ocean Walk before setting up camp at Aire River. The rugged heathlands and isolated beaches along this stretch of Victorian coastline are absolutely stunning.

After having rested our bodies by a warm campfire, we awoke Sunday to finish off with another 12 km to Johanna Beach. Again, wild and breathtaking. Here are a few photos we captured along the way:

Thanks so much to Jonathan, Good Times Tours and the wonderfully enthusiastic team who gave their time and support to IEF, Suku Mentawai and the development of this extremely important documentation, the Mentawai Dictionary. It really was a good time (tour) and plus we managed to raise $2,395. You are all amazing!
Masurak bagatta (muchos gracias),
The team at IEF