Last Friday, 15 September, the Yayasan Pendidikan Suku Mentawai was formally inaugurated along with their Mentawai Ecotourism and new office space in Desa Muntei.

The inauguration event is an important step to establishing the Yayasan within the Mentawai community, giving them opportunity to formally introduce their cultural education program and staff to Mentawai’s government, village leaders and the wider community.

It was inspiring to see the level of support for the Foundation and program, made evident by how many people volunteered their time to prepare and deliver such a successful event.
The Mentawai are well and truly in control of their initiative and extremely positive about the future ahead. It is an honour for IEF to be involved and to provide support as required.
Here is a short video captured by the Yayasan PSM staff.
Onward and up,